There is a universe of suffering all around us. This is especially true right now as many of us feel tension and worry about our relationships, pressure at work and our future health—emotionally, physically and financially.
While we cannot control what happens to us, we can create and cultivate environments that aim to bring about more contentment—within ourselves and our workplaces and homes. This, in turn, allows us to change how we relate to and respond to what happens to us so that we can access the fullness and beauty of our life exactly as it is, right in front of us. Messy. Beautiful. Hard. Wild.
There is a seed within each one of us that holds the potential to help us grow our internal capacity. When we create the conditions for the seed to thrive, we can enter each experience of our lives with a sense of wonder and the ability to hold our own challenges and triumphs with greater ease. This universal truth is available to every person through the safety and freedom of the present moment.
I don’t think I need to share a list of why I believe now is the right time to bring more presence-opening practices into the workplace. Over the years, I have had the honor of sharing mindfulness practices as a yoga teacher, facilitator, meditation guide, mindfulness coach and speaker in a variety of settings. However, until now, I have not had the opportunity to fully integrate this work into my professional practice. So then, it is with deep gratitude and reverence for my teachers, that I launch Mindfulness Works with Katrina Lynn with teachings and special events designed to bring more joy, connection and contentment into our communities.
Planned offerings will include guided group meditation sessions, yoga for the inflexible, “BE” workshops on topics like compassionate conflict, and embodied mindfulness coaching for leaders.
So many of us are feeling called to connect…to unlearn a lifetime of conditioning that has taught us to live outside of our true nature. Let’s go there together.
With Love and Awe,